Sygma x Tangle:
Expanding Tangle Network connectivity across EVM, Substrate, and more.

Benefits of Liquid Staking

Explore the revolutionary benefits of liquid staking, including unlocked liquidity, earning staking yields, enhanced capital efficiency, and seamless DeFi integration - unlocking vast crypto capital for decentralized finance.
  1. Unlocked Liquidity: Users maintain liquidity of their staked assets, allowing free movement of capital across DeFi.
  2. Earning Staking Yields: Despite retaining liquidity, users can still earn yields from staking rewards.
  3. Enhanced Capital Efficiency: Assets are no longer illiquid and siloed when staked, maximizing their utility.
  4. DeFi Composability: Liquid staking tokens integrate seamlessly with DeFi lending, borrowing, and trading platforms.

As innovative liquid staking solutions continue gaining traction, they unlock vast amounts of currently underutilized crypto capital for DeFi. This not only enhances yields for asset holders but accelerates the growth of decentralized services overall.